Search Engine Optimization


search engine optimization

Our SEO Process

A good SEO is simply the best food to maintain all around web features.

Discover Opportunities

Absolute Search Engine Optimization maximize the value of what you are paying and ensuring that the SEO enhances your website and not kill it.

  • Makes your pages more visible.
  • You reach out only real seekers.
  • Your website turns more reliable in the field of internet for SEO position.
  • No pay for as many possible clicks.
  • No flaws of fake queries

Discover Opportunities


We focus on performance of a website. SEO copy writing, website optimization, eCommerce, social media optimization, and social shopping are some of the areas where professional assistance can make a significant difference.

  • Brand visibility of products and services to national and international Increase in sales.
  • SEO Analysis quickly identifies nasty problems stopping your site from Rankings
  • Social Media Visibility, leading to more business; sometime internet means only hand full of social media sites.
  • Pay Per Click – Target your particular customers, pay only when you are assured of a click, get faster results, and more traffic for more pays.


On-site Optimization

SEO is a encrypted feature of on-page, off-page and social media. The lack of any is assumed to be a huge drawback for either of them.

  • On site: Optimization is everything that your off site optimization is going to be built on.
  • Keyword research: All websites should cater to people.
  • On Site Optimization: is all about meeting those demands while making sure that your website is also search-engine friendly.

On-site Optimization

Content Marketing

Feel esteem with a device compatible responsive website and grab customers from all spheres with regards to devices.

  • 90% of internet user spends most of the time on social media
  • Keyword research: Define potential target keywords.
  • It is believed that almost 99% of people come to know about internet only through social media
  • Internet survivors earn more then 60% of their earning from social media

Content Marketing

Analysis and Reporting

A quality SEO reporting tool is a necessary investment for any digital agency, large or small.

  • Accurate & Current Regional Data: SEO reporting is all about data, so it’s important that the software have access to accurate and current data localized to your client’s targeted region.
  • Integration with Third-Party Tools: Especially for full-scale digital marketing campaigns, the ability to report on all ISE in one place is essential.
  • Scalability: You don’t want to have to retrain on or reinvest in new software every time your agency reaches a new tier.
  • White Label Reports: While white-labeling is not essential. it helps keep branding consistent and gives a professional sheen to everything you send a client’s way.

Analysis and Reporting

Drive Traffic to Your Website

Bring more traffic to your website with the help of new proven techniques we can offer

The more sales after the service makes you invest more to the business expansion. We subsequently keep adding more keywords, phrases, zone, region, age circle, fields, media etc. So the SEO orbit keep the expansion on for ever.

  • Aim iconOnline Reputation Management
  • Timer iconRely on an experienced and knowledgeable team
  • Crop iconSave time and money
  • Onlin iconConnect with pre-qualified customers

Free SEO Audit

    Services We Provide Under SEO

    Bring more traffic to your website with the help of new proven techniques we can offer

    Tropcia website icon

    On-Page SEO

    Learn about the client’s business, website, and competitors in order to provide you clear documentation.

    Lock icon

    Off-Page SEO

    Curabitur pharetra leo ac bibendum gravida. Nulla luctus, quam eget tincidunt mattis, velit nisi porta.

    Location icon

    Local SEO

    In erat nibh, consectetur vitae nibh in, aliquam semper quam. Mauris a dolor malesuada ante.

    Cart icon

    eCommerce SEO

    Morbi cursus convallis est sed facilisis. Curabitur in lacus magna. Nullam ac molestie nisi.

    Components of Search Engine Optimization

    Bring more traffic to your website with the help of new proven techniques we can offer

    Icon search

    Page Titles

    Writing related and effective pages title.

    Icon paper

    Meta Description

    Effective use of desired keywords.

    Vector smart object


    Heading structure with appropriate keyword selections.

    Icon tree map


    Creating and submitting HTML site map.

    Media image icon

    Use of Media into Articles

    Search engines detect your article as a quality article. that help your web ranking.

    Search result page icon

    Use Keywords in Article Title

    Use main keywords in title so that search engines reads finds them easily.

    Vector smart object

    Use H1 Element, H2 & H3

    Size heading elem ents are used to determine important elements of a web page.

    Link icon

    Use Internal Linking

    Internal linking is an effective method to increase SEO perform ance.

    Icon diamond

    PA and DA are high

    Determining the quality of a website or blog
    on search engines.

    Link icon

    Relevant anchor text

    Having relevant anchor text will make the domain
    authority higher.

    Icon analytics

    Permanent Backlinks

    We will create valuable backlinks that will
    not be deleted.

    Strategy icon

    Do follow status

    A link that tells search engines to follow the
    intended page.

    Icon loupe

    Keyword research

    Determining the quality of a website or blog
    on search engines.

    Icon equalizer

    Sort keywords by low/high competitiveness

    Having relevant anchor text will make the domain
    authority higher.

    Icon loupe2

    Analyze keywords that are used by competitors

    We will create valuable backlinks that will
    not be deleted.

    Tropica optimization icon

    Choose optimizable keywords

    A link that tells search engines to follow the
    intended page.

    Icon user

    Total Visit

    Total number of organic traffic
    will increase.

    Icon alarm

    Visit Duration

    Amount of time spent in a web page
    will increase.

    Icon award

    Bounce Rate

    Bounce rate will decrease i.e., people will start taking
    action in the website.

    Icon glob

    Global Ranking

    Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other
    sites in the world.

    Location icon

    Local Ranking

    Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites
    in the local area.

    Icon analytics

    Category Ranking

    Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites
    in that category.

    Icon code

    Code Optimization

    For optimal performance, we will suggest
    minifying the codes.

    Media image icon

    Image Optimization

    Reduce size of the images that will allow the website
    to load faster.

    Icon settings

    Keyword Optimization

    Optimize keywords for different
    search engines.
